Monday, June 28, 2010

Our New Place

We made it into our new apartment! It took a lot longer than we had anticipated but the apartment is finally finished and we are all moved in. We are so excited to have a pretty new apartment that is ours for the decorating (meaning mine for the decorating). We couldn't be happier with the results!

This is the kitchen. Most of it came this way but we added the table and curtains ourselves :)

I love this kitchen!

And here is the living room. This is where I did the bulk of my decorating. We still have to put pictures in the frames and in the photo album. We also have 2 pictures that will be going up on the walls as soon as we find a way to hang them that won't get us in trouble with the landlords.

Ikea is our new best friend

I thought these candles were so cool! And I love having a basket to put blankets in that fits conveniently out of the way.

On to the bathroom.

And Lastly, the bedroom.

I'm only showing my closet because when this picture was taken, Nate's was a mess...

And this concludes the virtual tour of our new place. We hope you enjoyed the view. We love it here and we're much happier with our new living arrangements.


  1. You have such a cute apartment. I know I've already seen it in person, but the pictures look really good. Decorating a new place is fun.

  2. Your apartment is really cute. You have done such a good job decorating it. Very classy! The kitchen is amazing. Its nice to have a newly remodeled kitchen.
    I didn't realize you had a blog. What a fun thing for me to discover!

  3. I started this blog about a month ago now but since I didn't have internet until just last night I haven't been able to finish the post I was on :/ I will finish it now and then send out an email so that everyone can start following it! Yay!

  4. I love how the shirts in your closet are ordered chromatically. It is so nerdy/Crapo.

  5. Your apartment looks great. You did a really nice job decorating it.

    I was hoping for an explanation of the story behind "Roasted Artichokes"

  6. Well.... The name "The Roasted Artichoke" comes from nate. Someday, after he finishes school, when he starts up his own restaurant, that is what he plans to call it. And so, we decided to name our blog after it. Also cause I think it sounds cool.

  7. Sarah- when Warren and I were at BYU, there was a small restaurant in Provo called the Roasted Artichoke. Warren took me there for dinner the night he proposed. I think it went out of business a few months afterward. I really like your shower curtain. Where did you find that?

  8. I actually heard about that restaurant from Katie as well. However, it did go out of business years ago and according to any searches that I've done, there aren't any other ones out there named after it so Nate should still be okay. We got that shower curtain at Kohl's. I love it :)

  9. The apartment looks very nice! Well done on the decorating. I look forward to more blog posts about roasting artichokes.
