2 more months and we will find out the gender! I really can't believe I already made it to 12 weeks... I know they say time flies with the second one and I'm really starting to get it. With Olivia, I just couldn't wait for her to get here so I counted down almost every single day. This time I feel like I wouldn't mind so much if he takes his time growing, stay in there, give me more time to prepare, etc... I might be majorly regretting saying that in 5 1/2 more months though haha!
You may have noticed I said "he" back there, that's because I'm calling him a boy until proven otherwise. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part. Nate wants a girl cause he thinks we won't have to buy more stuff that way, silly Nate :)
Anyways, we are very excited and I'll do my best to keep everyone updated on "his" progress! (Hehe)
When I first saw the ultrasound picture on instagram, I thought the head and body were separate babies, and I thought there were twins. Congratulations on there just being one. :-P Our family seems to be pretty good at making boys so I'd say your chances of having one are pretty good.