Thursday, May 24, 2012

If the Old Wives and their tales are correct....

Of course I had to do an old wives tale tally before my ultrasound tomorrow to see if there is any truth to these whatsoever.  So here are the ones I found and my answers:

Am I craving sweet or salty foods?
-definitely salty.  In fact a lot of the time I crave salt itself and couldn't care less what it's in.  Then again, I rarely if ever, craved sweet or sugary foods before I was pregnant, so it's not weird to me.  But this one says BOY

Am I carrying low or high? Or front or wide?- I personally don't think I'm even far enough along to know if it's high or low, but I feel like I'm growing out the sides more than out the front so I'll say wide.  This one says GIRL

Have I had bad morning sickness?
-Yes and No...  It's been pretty darn bad for me considering the last time I threw up prepregnancy was when I was a kid, even though I have had times where I was plenty sick enough to do so.  However, there are people out there who threw up WAY more than I ever did so I don't know if it's really fair for me to say i've had morning sickness compared to them.  But i'm going to say yes anyways.  So this one says GIRL

Chinese Gender Predictor?
-This one says BOY

Mayan Gender Predictor?
-This one says BOY

Have I gotten more or less beautiful with pregnancy?
-Nate says i'm crazy but I say less!  I have had way more zits and even in places that I wouldn't normally be getting them!  Also my skin has gotten really pale and splotchy.  I am definitely not glowing.  This one says GIRL.

Is the fetal hearbeat fast or slow?
-At my first ultrasound, the heartbeat was a high 160bpm.  This one says GIRL.

So that is 3 for BOY and 4 for GIRL.  I have this gut feeling that it's going to be a boy though.  I can't explain why, I just keep feeling like it is.  I guess we'll find out tomorrow!!  Everyone watch your phones in the afternoon, you'll be getting a text!


  1. I think it's going to be a boy. That Mayan calendar is never wrong. :)

    1. Good point. Is it even fair to include that one since they already failed that whole "end of the world" prediction?

  2. Oh my goodness! I didn't realize it was already time for the ultrasound. I'm so excited! I'm thinking it's a girl.
