Saturday, August 11, 2012

Summer Barbeque

Last weekend, Nate decided we should have a bbq.  So while I was at work, he went grocery shopping and got all the stuff.  Lucky me, I got to come home to homemade potato salad, fresh tomato and mozzarella salad, and juicy burgers just waiting to be grilled!  I know what you're thinking, and yes, I DO have the best husband in the world.  We thought this would be a good opportunity to take a picture of my 26 week belly but my face just wouldn't cooperate with the camera!  So just look at the belly part and not the face part :)

We took our yummy burgers to rock canyon park and had a little picnic.  It has been about a million degrees here every day all summer so we were lucky to get a slightly cooler evening.  The trees all around us probably helped too.

They look SO GOOD!

It was definitely a fun and delicious end to a stressful week for both of us.  Also, just for the record, Nate made those buns.  Then we put guacamole on them.  It was the best burger I've had in a long time!  Now I'm hungry again.


  1. Oh yum! Those look really good. Your belly looks like it has really popped since your last picture. Very cute!

  2. Those burgers look delicious. You know, it never occurred to me that you could make your own burger buns until like a week ago when I needed some on a Sunday. And they weren't difficult to make, though they didn't look nearly as buttery and soft as Nate's. P.S. Your belly is lookin' good!
