Monday, August 13, 2012

28 Week Picture

Here is my belly at 28 weeks.

Now for a baby update...  I had my monthly visit with the doctor about 2 weeks ago and had my glucose test.  They said the results would be back in about a week but I haven't heard anything so I'm just going to assume that no news is good news.  I also learned recently that for insurance reasons I have to switch doctors.  That is both good and bad news for me.  The good news is that I will now actually be delivering at Timpanogos Regional Hospital, which is supposed to be the very best for labor and delivery in this area and they have really nice birthing suites there.  The sad news is that I had to change doctors because mine only had privileges at the Provo Hospital.  I really really liked the doctor I had, he will still be able to be the baby's doctor after she's born though so it's not a complete loss.  I haven't actually been to my new doctor yet so I don't know if I like him or not but I only have 12 more weeks of being pregnant anyways.  The real bummer is that switching doctor offices and having my medical records sent over and making sure they have all the right signed papers and blah blah blah has been a huge headache!  Don't they know I'm 6 months pregnant?  I do not have the energy to be running around town all day signing things and making phone calls for you people!  Sheesh!  But I think I did finally get everything to the right places so in 2 more weeks at my next visit, hopefully everything will go smoothly.  I think this will be my last monthly visit though since they start biweekly appointments at 32 weeks and my next appointment will be right on my 30 week mark.  I guess it depends on how my new doctor wants to do things though.  Yay for only 12 more weeks!


  1. That's a great picture of you, Sarah! Having a good pediatrician will be so helpful when you have the inevitable paranoia/anxiety of being a new mom. Your mom is also a great resource for all things baby and medical. As for your delivery, I wanted my (favorite) doctor there, too, but in the end it could have been the janitor and I wouldn't have cared . . . or probably even noticed.

  2. You look beautiful in your pictures! Your so cute in the stripes dress!
