Friday, September 14, 2012

I. Can't. BREATH!

Ok I know that everyone warned me about this (including the piles of pregnancy books I read) but Oh my Goodness, I seem to be short on breath ALL THE TIME!  And it's not just when I'm out walking or cleaning or whatever; it happens when i'm sitting doing nothing.  Is there an old wives tale about that one?  Like, the more times you can't breath, the prettier she'll be?  Cause there should be one, I'm starting it.

I am 33 weeks along as of today, yay!  It is so crazy to me that in less than 2 months, I will have a little baby girl!  It feels very surreal.  I mean, obviously I know she's there.  She never hesitates with those kickboxing moves on my organs; or the stretching out to fill as much of my abdomen as she possibly can.  But it still blows my mind when I think about how different my life is going to be come November.  I think my belly is definitely protruding now, and I measured, I'm officially bigger around than Nate is...  Never thought that would happen but I have to admit it depresses me just a bit.  At least he still weighs more than me!
This is a better picture of my face and has a cuter background but my belly is kind of  in the shadow so you can't see it that well

I don't think my face is as cute in this one but you can definitely see that belly!
I went to the doctor today for one of my normal visits, it was a very uneventful visit but I'm considering that to be a good thing because I'd rather not have any issues to worry about.  I have to admit though, it's a little depressing to go to the doctor and come out feeling just as uncomfortable as when you went in.  I think we all kind of build up this expectation that doctors will fix all our problems and give us some magic pill to make everything feel better.  When you're pregnant though, there is no magic pill to make it easier, so instead they just tell you that you look great and to come back in 2 weeks haha.

Also, I am hungry all the time.  When I eat though, I can only eat a little bit because I get full so stinking fast.  Then I'm hungry less than 2 hours later.  I know this is completely normal but it is still something that's bugging me.  I am glad I haven't had any ridiculous cravings though.  I mean, nothing like pickles and ice cream.  I still do crave mexican food a lot though.  And sushi, I just love sushi.  Sadly, california rolls are just about all I can have.  At least those are good!

The other day, we went to Costco, Nate wanted pizza.  I just wasn't really feeling the pizza vibe but as we were walking through the store, I saw the shrimp cocktails and just knew that's what I needed, so we got some!  Pizza and shrimp for dinner...  We are so healthy :)
The next day, I took the few pieces of left over shrimp and I put them into a yummy Lemon Garlic Butter sauce and had that over pasta, it was amazing FYI.  I used one of the lemons my Dad brought me from my parent's tree in California.  I love lemons!

Another bothersome pregnancy biproduct, my pelvis feels like it is being ripped apart at the seams.  Kinda like someone shoved in a knife and started twisting.  Again, totally normal I know, but it HURTS!  I'm really not trying to just complain a lot, I swear.  I'm just being informative, that's what we'll call it.

I have been having a lot of fun this week though being crafty and putting together cute things for her room.  The dresser is on it's way so hopefully I'll be able to take pictures of the whole thing in the next week or so.  I'm dying to show you guys how crafty I am though :) who knew I had a crafty bone in my body?  I'm blaming the "nesting" for these sudden desires.

And now I'm off to eat second dinner.  It's the meal that comes before bedtime snack :)


  1. You look so cute! Definitely got much bigger, cute belly:) and with all your eating and not being able to breath, Nate's going have to wheel you around in a wheelchair! Can't believe you're almost there!

  2. You know, I've actually tried to get him to wheel me around in a wheelchair.... he says that I'm a big girl so I have to walk like a big girl. Rude....

  3. Your belly definitely is getting bigger. I like the shot of it in the food picture. I can't wait to see your craftiness.

  4. I'm so excited to meet Olivia. I guess she's growing just like she's supposed to--which means mommy (Sarah) will just have to survive with less air in her lungs. You look adorable in your pictures, and I'm excited to see the pictures of Olivia's room once you get it all fixed up with your craftiness.
