Sunday, June 17, 2012

Halfway There!

We made it!  I hit 20 weeks this last week and we're so excited.  Just 20 more weeks until we get to see our little baby girl in person!  We tried really hard to get a picture but as you all know, I am the least photogenic person in the whole world.  So it took a couple tries.  Enjoy my awkward photo shoot.

My sad face after my husband so "kindly" reminded me that I don't photograph well...

I'm trying so hard to make my belly pop out, it just doesn't seem to want to!

Stretching it out like that didn't feel so good.

And finally, a decent photo!  It only took what, 6 tries to get one?  Up until 19 weeks I felt like I was finally getting a belly and then in the last week it would appear that my belly shrunk.  

For even more exciting news, I finally felt her kick on Friday evening!  Since that very definite kick, I've felt her moving around quite a bit.  It's kind of a weird queasy feeling really.  I feel like I have a fish swimming around in there!  She really seems to be an active little thing judging from the ultrasounds we've gotten and from the movements that I have felt.  Bring on the next 20 weeks!


  1. I think your belly did shrink because I'm sure I've seen it larger than that. I love your awkward photo shoot.

  2. Yea for being halfway through!!! You look so cute! Ha got to love that fishy moving feeling...just wait till you get arms and knees sticking out, it will look like you have an alien in your belly!

  3. I'm so glad you felt her kick. That is my favorite part! Congrats on the halfway mark.

  4. I love your photo shoot--especially the one with the puffed out cheeks. You look adorable. Your belly is still pretty tiny. You're gonna have to grow a lot more before that baby will be big enough to hatch. Hooray for feeling her kick!

  5. YAY for cute belly pictures! I've seen you more recently though and I think you should update your belly pictures. Your belly is super cute right now! Also I was so excited to be able to feel her kick too. Thanks for letting me push and prod and yell creepy things into your belly.
